"Excuse the interruption. Ms Gro....h.....Umm, Ms G can you please call the office?" I'll never forget that one. This was when I was supply teaching at a school. After a little laugh, I picked up the school phone, dialed the office and the principal picked up. "Hi! It's Amber. I was called?" "Hi....ok, first thing....how do I say your last name?" And, appreciating the question, I proceeded to explain the way I always do.. "It's pronounced "gross"...like "eww, that's disgusting" (laughter) _ I've always enjoyed listening to people attempt to pronounce my last name. Mainly because, as people tend to admit, they are afraid to possibly offend me in some way by pronouncing it incorrectly...or correctly. So, I've used this way of telling others how to say it in a way that shows them clearly how to say it, and gives a little laugh so they don't feel like it's going to offend me in any way. ...
Sharing my story & learning as an educator.