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Showing posts from November, 2018


# IMetALotOfTwitterEDUPeopleIFollowInRealLifeAndItWasAmazing I first heard of EdCamp through Twitter in 2017. . . after it happened. I saw all the tweets about it and thought, how did I miss this? So, this year I made sure I kept an eye out for the information. I actually got so excited that, I accidently registered early . . . it was still the 2017 link. What were my goals going into #EdCampOttawa 2018? My main goal was simple: connect with other educators. For the first few years of my teaching career, I was a guest teacher ("substitute teacher") and I jumped around multiple schools. Which meant, I got to meet a lot of other educators, observe practices, check out technology that they were using, resources they've implemented, etc. But for the past 2 years, I've been in the same school for the whole school year. And don't get me wrong, I've learned a lot from my colleagues that I shared a school location with. And Twitter also provides that connection ...