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Showing posts from January, 2022

Unplugged Coding: a reflection in a series of tweets

Ok, so let's start off with this. I've taken 7 (or 8? I've lost count at this point) AQs throughout my teaching career, and my current P/J Math part 2 AQ has been BY FAR my favourite. And no, I'm not writing this because my professors do follow me on twitter and may read this (actually, they will read this - because I'm definitely handing this blog reflection in as my assignment)...BUT. This course has given me the exact way I enjoy learning - hands on learning by doing it in my own classroom!  Need to learn about coding? Great. Not only will be we discuss and read about it, but then we will find a coding lesson and teach it in our classrooms.  So - here is my (unplugged) coding reflection. First, let's review. I teach a Primary Special Needs class, which means I have students age range 6-9 with exceptionalities. So, when I found a lesson plan already created with lesson information and resources in my school boards' VLE (and it was an opportunity for my stu...